Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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to move a car

When the cat's away the mice will play ... and to dance in town, maybe to the tune of "We want to move a car," the likeable Francesco Salvi, there are many when it refers to the year issue of parking savages. New Hera The association has already fallen on the field with two equal steps, but separated in time and place: January 7 has been "cleaned up" in Via Mario Nicoletta and surrounding areas, six days after it is reviewed in Via XXV Aprile reminding motorists, through the simple distribution of leaflets, the prohibition laid down by the highway code, to leave their bikes everywhere creates unease in two rows on crosswalks, on sidewalks and in other similar situations. The initiative to raise awareness among motorists uncivilized stems not only from the dearth of public spirit in most of the community crotonese but also by the lack of what is perhaps this area is suffering more, not only in terms of traffic but also in many other points: the presence of institutions in all its forms.
In this case, to make the cat, is the municipal police with the application of rules exist but are rarely used to reverse this terrible trend of citizens of not respecting the rules. Another 'cat' is the administration municipal and central areas becoming degraded areas intended for parking use would solve half the problems of traffic. Unfortunately, the presence on the territory of the municipal police is to say the least close to zero, except when leaving school with children crossing the zebra crossing to regulate traffic materialize in those small breakers. Often we ask the reason for this lack of vigilance in the area with frequent response among citizens who lack the money for new hires. So it is not difficult to see, the lack of control or civilization ... to continuous traffic jams, a civilian citizens unable to leave their own car, to elderly housewives forced to change broken sidewalks and crosswalks for the cars blocking the passage ... The bad practice of not abide by the rules and make their own comfortable "with the" lack of control is the master in the city, as the images themselves testify, and New awareness campaign that Hera fielded aims to bring out a sense of citizenship which he feels so much the lack of Crotone in the population and should learn to pull out voluntarily for the common good without having to wait to do it for force under the threat of sanctions and fines.

Dionigi Borrelli


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