Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Pietrabbondante The archaeological site of Italy on the list of our monuments to be saved. Interview with Adriano La Regina and Stephen Capini.

Pietrabbondante The archaeological site of Italy on our list of monuments to save

lacking economic resources and enhancement. Interview with Adriano La Regina and Stephen Capini.

PIETRABBONDANTE. In a time of lists and lists of ancient crumbling walls and slashing cuts to culture, Italy Nostra has prepared a list showing the Italian monuments to be saved. It is a red list, which identifies the artistic and cultural sites of the peninsula, which would require "some" action. "Our Italy" is the National Association for the preservation of historic, artistic and natural heritage of the nation. Guess who appear in its list of emergencies? The archaeological site of Pietrabbondante. That Calcatello locations, home to one of the most important sanctuaries of ancient Sannio. The reason would be the "lack of personnel qualified guides. No service. No qualifications. "Who wrote that list has a point. The site is a marvel of Pietrabbondante that leaves visitors breathless, it is a piece of history in harmony with nature. But, yes, there are guides (except in some specific occasions) and there is no need enhancement. This year, according to rumors, the region had already approved the grant of € 750,000 needed to continue the excavations, but then the money never arrived. Last Saturday, the archaeologist La Regina, who for four years in charge of excavation activities, with the National Institute of Archaeology and Art History, presented the results of new archaeological investigations. Other precious treasures that have been added to those found over the years. The same has raised the question of heritage found. After the first excavations many riches of the past 800 have gone missing. Some are preserved in museums around the world. But surely they are far from this land, in whose depths were hidden. At home, meanwhile, is building a museum, which would have the task and duty to accommodate the new findings. To make them visible. The mayor announced that if there are unexpected, should be completed by next summer. "Preservation" - The Queen said - 'implies more investment in the discovery. So far the works have been covered with tarpaulins and temporary protections, but you can not do forever. If there will be no need for these projects cover what has been found. "To better understand the issue and dispel the myths and legends that revolve around the area of \u200b\u200bPietrabbondante, we interviewed and Stefania Capini Adriano La Regina, an official of the Superintendent.


There are other archaeological sites in the territory where you can find sites similar to those of Samnite Pietrabbondante?

"Yes, there are none. Represented either by individual private settlements, both by fortified walls, almost all the mountains, such as huge walls that must dig for good. "

you sure that is not old Bovianum Vetus?

" This is a local legend. It is a first interpretation of 800, but recent excavations from 1959 instantly made him understand that it was a sanctuary. "

And what connection there was with the surrounding areas?

"There was a strong scattered settlements. The fortified walls are signs of communities living nearby. We know for example the area of \u200b\u200bCarovilli, Vastogirardi there is another shrine, Agnone Bagnoli .. "

What are the methods of storage of goods, in addition to filling, which I think is the last option?

"It restores, as has been done to the main temple. It reconsolidation, then maintenance is more .. "

many resources are needed?

" Yes, but they are investments, not expenses, because they keep alive the production capacity from the point for tourism. "

What has been lacking in recent years over the development? Our Italy has included the site in a red list ...

"You can always do more. Between the 70s and the beginning of this century has done little or nothing. Since the 2002 restoration works were made. Need for tourism resources. Throughout the world there is a participation of citizens in maintaining their property. Here we are accustomed to living. "

also lacks the commitment by the citizens?

" There interest but there is no active participation in conservation. Donate vehicles, because the maintenance of these things then it should be for everyone. "

interview Capin

Speaking of conservation and development .. What is needed?

"The problem is large. On the one hand is the protection, that is, actions that prevent property damage, and then use, namely the promotion of goods to the public. The two are often identical. The problem is that in all cases are often very substantial funding needed. The state has limited funding and above all aimed at protecting. There are less funds for the difficult time, but the regulations have transferred to other public entities and individuals also wanting to be there. This is for the state was an incentive to provide less funding. Perhaps in our area, private initiative is not very ready. "

Do you need private initiative?

'it is important not only for restoration but to invent new forms of promotion. Guides, package tours etc. .. It would also need read up in this field in regions that are ahead of Molise. Learn to assess, study what it would be more appropriate. The ideal framework would be a collaboration between the public and private institutions. The great economic and cultural misunderstanding utility lies in believing that we need to focus on additional services. But is all that is led productive economically and in related private sectors need to be rolled up our sleeves and find what is the look that suits him best. There are advantages, such as the environment, the very smallness of the area that allows visitors to turn without being lost. This too should be enhanced. Must be a bit 'all this work for purpose. "

What do you think of the list of places to save, where there is also Pietrabbondante?

" Of course you want to save. Pietrabbondante in Molise is a symbol. Why is one of the oldest excavations, the most valuable, the largest structure of the Sannio. The recent excavations are putting in a strong position at European level. The studies tell us much about the culture of the Samnites .. "

Adelina Zarlenga on LaVoceDelMolise


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