Thursday, March 17, 2011

Peanut Sauce For Brownies

Illegal "manifesto"

Spring is upon us already ... the swallows flying high in the sky, the fields change color to the festivity, the children scream with joy in the street ... and graceful glide the glue of the thousands of campaign posters ... posters that will soon adorn such as wallpaper, the entire municipality from simple walls to rubbish bins, from the balconies of the houses of the garage gate, the poor defenseless trees to the windows of local remove disused see so many faces revelers who came out of our future heroes to whom it will be the daunting task of taking over the reins of a city in disarray and lead to a better future (hopefully forever). Not But this battle has begun a "pretty faces" that the presence of posters in the city is now illegal for so long! There is talk of simple posters attacked without any apparent authorization but in different strategic points of the city, it's easy to stumble even on billboards in the City Council of Croton watch that instead, actively participates in the assault of the first wall free play without restraint. In an era where the walls drop to demonstrate their opposition to this unwarranted vandalism ... you continue to stick paper on paper covering and covering the surrounding walls of private buildings. It is not seemly to see, or rather "see" at the school "Ernesto Codignola" Via XXV Aprile in the home of the guardian submerged by posters of all kinds. We were able to recognize that it was a house by two aluminum windows that "clash" with the rest of the wall paper!
Perhaps the problem in Croton are many and more serious that we could set it aside ... but put that aside, put aside what, put away that ... how do we give the much desired development if the Tourism characteristics of a tourist town, not even when we did not pursue?! How do we, if even small problems but instead face them and solve them clear we under the carpet?! N othing fear, we think the national governments to find a solution to the problem of illegal posters: for the modest sum of one thousand euro you can upholster your city as you like ...! On 12 February 2010, the Government has won the confidence on the big courtroom amendment of the Senate by a vote of 134 votes in favor, 99 against and 4 abstentions, enacted on Milleproroghe decree, which includes, among other things, a waiver "estimate" on the illegal campaign posters. After the rejection of the amendment to the Ordinance, proposed by members of the PD Giampaolo Fogliardi and Simonetta Rubio , which established a fine of up to 100 000 € and the payment of removal costs incurred by the municipality to those who repeatedly violated the rules on posting of political posters outside the areas permitted by law, the green light to attack abusive until the end of the next election regional. Who will heal one or more violations can do so quite simply by paying a thousand euro to the Town Hall. This measure will provide a wedding invitation to the widespread malpractice dell'affissione wild, which will have its own highest expression during the forthcoming municipal elections.

Christian Greek


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