Thursday, March 17, 2011
Peanut Sauce For Brownies
Monday, March 7, 2011
Congratulate Some To Become Pregnant
Time passes, there are many nuances to be aware of .. but as time passes and with him many things anyway.
In 2009 I participated in the round of Javello, I was struck because it is positive in a race that has a charm, the beautiful rose by 9 km, the scenery from up there you can enjoy the descent, although it is not a ground for me approved, the final part will continue "eating and drinking" bad make this particular path, which is why I prefer some other races and I think that the nomination "treadmill" because it's like to run for the'appunto on a roll in a any gym.
seem to have arrived yesterday with the first breaths of spring, these weather changes not only not good but lead to indecision on how to dress for sports. Yesterday I noticed people in shorts and even strategic-range runners with armored anti cold. I chose the usual in between, despite what I have suffered very hot. As you can see the dall'altimetria the race can be divided into three portions, one of the longest in the 9 km climb that lead from Montemurlo 76 meters above sea level, to the summit of Mount Javello, 524 mtslm . a constant climb, of course, a good mountain road in the middle of the woods. As soon as I feel on top of something wrong, I suffered the heat in a terrible and some thick stomach made me realize that the descent would have been more difficult than normal, however, expected :-).
In this regard I am grateful to Rachel Smith of Lammari who did not hesitate to advise me to try and cheering me on during the descent to finish respectably this route of 16.8 km. To be honest, also uphill, my legs were not able to make a difference as usual, but they can do! I suffered greatly with the sun of 15 degrees yesterday morning .. but fair enough!.
The second tranche of competition starts from the GPM up to 14 km or so, when we move into the third category of race consists of a series of tough climbs and descents, not too extreme. Very tired from the pain of before, I continue implementing a theme dear to me "" he who hesitates is lost "."
bite the bullet and nell''ultimo stretch of the race I can find a right step for a final crescendo with a nice sprint with whom I have the upper hand on another boy. At the finish the pleasant "" five "Some children have made it even better return for prizes, 79th overall with a time of 1:26:00!
my stubbornness and my stubbornness to not give up I always pays off as it happened yesterday, winning the symbolic prize!
Thinking that rewarded 80!
me laugh when I hear some top runners to the finish respondents complain of the descent, I, I would have a board ... if you have a sore head down on a treadmill or race ... go slower so you do not hurt your legs .. pricks! I also hate the Descent .. but if there is the climb there will also be the usual party takes you back to the valley noooo ...?
Back to the funny things is ... Erika appearance and the legendary Daniel Warmers always perky, smiling and in form at the conclusion of the mass arrivals of these Cozzile in the town in the province of Prato, an excellent restaurant where he entertained all final.
Javello I ran around to the first time in 2009, I still clearly imprinted in my mind the morning of water, wind and mud, which went to meet him and the great satisfaction by completing the 16.8 km.
In 2010 it seems not tecipai, preferring a good workout on individual Riaffrico Via Pineta and in my Montecatini, which traded for a few more training, especially for a logistics issue for March 7th we celebrated 102 years of the legendary Flaminio grandfather and good time I had to get to his house in the mountains to the beautiful event. Just in that regard, he now no more, is my dedication to the morning yesterday. And what place could be more appropriate than those Montanini, the race yesterday, typical of his life, the climb on the rocky roads and chainsaw abbraccaiate by chestnut trees, the mountain top where a beautiful park of pine trees dominate over all compounds, the 'smell of the first herbs that come out in the sun after a cold winter that has yet to be finished, a green expanse of fields where so stand stone huts perched once families.
I am increasingly convinced that a thought and a reflection on a person, as well as life in general, do not ever have to be focused on the quantity of the resultant or the perfection of the same but the quality of feeling and openness of the soul linked to it.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Microwave Ovenare They Worth Getting Fixed
A week away from the beautiful "Porcari runs", I decided to continue my path towards an appropriate race pace sneaking in Prato S. Right.
I have to describe the morning? I suggest that now would be the same for a long time, especially cold and rainy Sunday, a factor, the latter does not hurt me quite contrary!
I have already taken part in the demonstration organized by the Jolly Motors Prato in both 2009 and 2010, was the first participation Training the second ditto, I remember that last year, due to a strong start too ended with the slow down in the final out slowly. Rich
of these "experiences" ... delivery! The first 100-200 meters rest flooded into the fray and it is not bad because it imposed solitude in a rhythm for the first 4 km is constant, no work too hard and especially "romperndo breath" before starting a sensational, terms of feelings for my legs and my mind, progression to the finish.
Step to step.
The main points of the game, breeding, feeding stations (including the final) and several are manned in a careful and appropriate by the organizers much more than the trophy two weeks ago of Rubbish!
I dirizzoni the industrial district of Prato are not exactly exciting but knowing this path in the first part insult apnea in anticipation of 7-8 km where the context is completely different in the beautiful green of the Parco delle Cascine di Tavola. Right here I can reach in the wake of my team-mate Michael and Emily, I continue in my step up the embankment when he disappears by passing the athlete of the Borgo a Buggiano.
I did this for Pre-tactical .. reminding me of last year I set the goal to breathe along the banks of the Park then begin to push back on the stretch of asphalt. I have to find a good shape is not the performance, the important thing for me is the patience that only you can not always be present and to have the sport as life in general an adequate return in terms of benefit while providing a sense of what we do.
The miles go by like a non-existent and although the condition is still at the top, feel the feelings that are fabulous and above lead me to think that in calculating the final I will definitely increase! Michele reach which makes me, in continuing his leg feel more fit and decided to increase the pace, the industrial areas on the outskirts of dirizzoni Prato has become almost a pleasure!
missing very little. Last round (typical injuries of four brain-injured by car to us that we run), the last bridge where I can provide a further breakout and final goal. Without my Garmin with a respectable time of 1:00:58 .. not bad about 13.900 km with a nice average of 4:22.
In a gray day, as I like, a nice glow of sunshine ;-).
am always with an unresolved question .. how come every time I go to see Lawn signs and signs in Chinese? (Pardon the irony) .. I can not understand .. oh we're not in Italy! After you cross the parade with the dragon, which sanctioned the first of the year China (during the run of the garbage February 7) I was afraid to meet the witch Chinese or Chinese carnival .. Can you imagine what they could pull out of the closet!?
good week and we ran it all .... which is better!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Meaning Of Stripes On Letterman's Sweater
What is missing is a flood of awesome people, awesome!
gray morning but no rain, it's almost comforting that the leaden sky knowing that it would rain if not in the afternoon. I press start on the garmin and start my adventure in the town of Lucca. The kilometers pass like seconds, I do not have time to drink a glass of tea at the various refreshment that I come now to the next, holding me by tasting some goodness that I saw on the tables full of food and crowded with participants including, runners, walkers, families, children and the elderly.
I stop to rest near the restaurant the "Nina" in Monaco, where, as in 2010, I'll do a good bowl of refreshing fruit .. a blessing before leaving choosing the path of 20 km.
guint the "big oak" it starts the "cross" completely in the mud .. a real pesticcio mud up to their ankles! It 's always nice to get through a race and you can gaze across the panorama from the top in this case the plain of Lucca.
I really enjoyed running down the tower and pushing the last km .. stop my garmin and go Marchino .. travel to some nice restaurants where slice of cake and three cups of hot chocolate to replenish my way to return to Montecatini.
in 2010 defined this race as the "queen" of the non-competitive .. quest''anno I want to define the race "" Queen "as a symbol of running and racing.
Getting up at 6:30 it really worth it, the event rate 9.5!
all a good week.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Are Skorpion Skates Any Good
The start is in the industrial district of Prato for'esattezza all''Asm, a center for collection and storage and related operations to the trash. Oh ... the premise is not that exciting!
leaving with Michele De Pace, with whom he will do the whole race, the first 6-7 km are convoluted from the start up in the busy center of Prato. New experiences? It is also the first I met with the Chinese dell''anno barbogi that shooting fireworks around the city leading to a huge caterpillar, snake, dragon .. I do not know what it was .. made paper mache-style chariot course disguised in Viareggio. On February 13 is the Chinese New Year just do not understand why we should celebrate in the center of Prato .. (Sorry for the naive irony intended).
Passing the railway station, the Board of deep breaths in those places because they can get a healthy benefit Almighty, we are moving towards the ascent of the Capuchins, the wall itself, but I do not corricchiando forcing, is not the case, and especially does not make sense.
I take a few hundred meters on my teammate to the'undicesimo km reach me, my step is stabilized with helping to bring to end the race with a decent pace.
omit the description of the last km because I only see buildings and industrial warehouses, fog, rain and cars ..
Here we arrive, a good test preparation in many other races, a distance of 17.2 km is not celebrated.
A nice positive note is the proper final refreshment, after a nice run pasta is always good and is a great replenisher if not the best.
not want to do school reports and school report to assess an event, certainly a bit 'method merit is to be used, for yesterday morning, the sufficiency of "race, organizzaione, feeding stations along the track avoids, the garrison of the traffic," is far .
connected instead of the above I would like to tell a little something that happened yesterday morning. Some gentlemen have decided to park their cars, no parking in the net, caging totally ours, namely that dell'Antonietta.
Despite several reminders and above all, something serious, the owner of "offender" was consicio have made a car park and an outrage in my opinion to a third party which may be severe, with a calm and quiet Solomon, appeared together with others to move his car when lla have thought about going back to their cottage, or at 11:45.
Assuming that I would never have done (and will never do) one thing I would have apologized immensely .. Instead it was hurled at us prepotena sparked a debate is certainly not "gospels."
more time passes, the more I realize how'arroganza the'ottusità, the rancor, to win all .. I wonder in amazement when I hear people commenting on the various newscasts that raped by one of the cancer of our society, journalists (the real whores), tell only events of crime .. What wonder? Yesterday, a simple and stupid question who was clearly in the wrong has in no uncertain terms of "idiot" who he was in the right ...
From the small of my 29 years I highly recommend to many people to be an examination of conscience when they go to bed .. "Wondering" who is the instigator of all the crap I do? "" ... The answer is so simple, banal, and especially self-criticism that if a few would give the "" Myself, I "."
Monday, February 7, 2011
Pinky Before She Gained Weight
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Headband For Soccer Players
Friday, January 28, 2011
Song That Sound Like Sidney Samson Riverside
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Lab 5 Cellular Respiration Answers Mammal
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
How Long Does 10mg Of Temazepam Take To Work
When the cat's away the mice will play ... and to dance in town, maybe to the tune of "We want to move a car," the likeable Francesco Salvi, there are many when it refers to the year issue of parking savages. New Hera The association has already fallen on the field with two equal steps, but separated in time and place: January 7 has been "cleaned up" in Via Mario Nicoletta and surrounding areas, six days after it is reviewed in Via XXV Aprile reminding motorists, through the simple distribution of leaflets, the prohibition laid down by the highway code, to leave their bikes everywhere creates unease in two rows on crosswalks, on sidewalks and in other similar situations. The initiative to raise awareness among motorists uncivilized stems not only from the dearth of public spirit in most of the community crotonese but also by the lack of what is perhaps this area is suffering more, not only in terms of traffic but also in many other points: the presence of institutions in all its forms.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Mexicanas Folladas Analmante
E 'started in 2011. We leave both runners who on all fronts but the more I get, the more I realize how a mere convention calendar. Stagiore was sporting the reset of December 26 in the non-competitive race in Monsummano, a beautiful morning ride on trails that I personally like them, attached to a nice area valdinievole.
I had the pleasure to deal with the rise of Daniel Montevettolini start over where I feel the leg spin as it should. The new year begins, as three years now, with half of
witch, a marathon that has become customary to use as a training set km in the legs, at least on my part. A mixed route and not sliding properly makes this race very challenging, you can also see dall'altimetria that produced the garmin and I quote below. I decide to keep a steady pace, the important thing is to finish well, I sort of goals, the group is right, I Luchino and Michael. Technically the first 9.5 km are on the rise
including some tearing to return later in the plains.
After passing beneath my bank, right in front of my office, I continue to keep the rhythm as constant as possible thanks to the path that becomes systematically equal. I take a small group meeting where the Frank Andreotti's rings with which it establishes a nice push and pull to the finish, keeping it as a reference point considering the constancy of the step was bringing forward.
In the last two miles, turn right leg, there is the breath and fatigue .. do not we hear! a good lap but pushing relax and go with Mark ... and Dani, the first veteran to be completed under the
1: 30 gives me a good five nods and giving me the OK on my Garmin perferomance .. stop .. 1:38:03 so good.
time does not count but I do a little comparison with 2010 and I see that I took 3 minutes and 36 seconds, whereas that last year I faced the race with the same ambition to make km in my legs like this year .. I can feel satisfied. The greater happiness, then that should be the real one belonging to the runner's time, so feel good when you have finished running and be in form throughout the day .. and the fact I did the whole race with my mates and Luchino Michael, with whom time is spent
nicely between a joke and the other is certainly an added value.
Epiphany has passed and took away all the Christmas festoons and the warm atmosphere of this colorful time of year .. and I prepare for another season of life and sports .. always putting it all with the usual enthusiasm that never hurts!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Images Of Tattooed Genitals
A scientific publication in French found it by chance on the internet. Marc Duret, Le Sanctuaire de Pietrabbondante Samna. Influences des grecques dans un territoire italique , 2010 site de l 'Association des étudiants en Archéologie Classique University of Geneva.
Marc Duret, Le Sanctuaire de Pietrabbondante Samna. Influences des grecques dans un territoire italique ...