Sitting (yes, sitting is a good word to begin an essay on me) come on the bus involved in a conversation with my friend sitting across from me and a lady sitting next to me. The discord is the most trivial possible, of the kind that can be born and die in 5 minutes on public transport: rising prices of the train . I get bored so much that almost did not participate and I just hope to get off as soon as possible, except that she commits the fatal mistake of expressing an opinion on youth. After realizing that prices go up and then everything sucks the first thing that comes to mind is that the youth of today is not good, can not remember exactly what he said, but it was something like "to you everything is fine, Do not fight over "and not in the sense that we often hear in the space of" not ready and you have the jelly you know to fight and even nell'altrettanto canonical "you will not give a shit about anything." It was more a "you are stupid and carefree smiles at everyone." The female in question was launched in this statement shortly before the fall and had little time to respond as my desire to engage in this sort of thing, especially with a stranger.
But those words to me are like boulders.
In his face was painted an expression that seemed to ask when we stopped fighting. He kept saying that in his time finding a job was not difficult and that even now it is, the only difference is that now the work is not paid, and then nobody wants to do. Beyond the incorrectness of these historical and social claims that it has upset me is the fact is that the answer was in his hands.
When did we stop dreaming? Maybe when we were deprived of a future ... Once something was there if you wanted, you had only to take it. But now, as in the game of the chair, all seats are occupied and we are on the floor with his ass. I do not mean jobs are not a trade unionist. I speak of living space, for lease of life.
For example it is a bit 'is also a metaphor: the generation that grew up with a command that tells of interstellar travel science fiction, of life forms that inhabit different planets and distant galaxies . My generation has grown into an imaginary future of human plantations, the city-state, groundwater, cleanrooms, music and ambient noises muffled. How to tell VS sci-fi science fiction. When we stopped saying to use science fiction sci-fi? Because it's the same thing.
Obviously this meeting and therefore this debate and the consequent my "reasoning" was to take place in December, the favorite month of the annual budget.
And so, as I hope I never end up in a plastic container that fuels a car, I think about my life which is made up of people, partly because I do not object. I do not have a job, I have nothing worthwhile to say to possess, I have no concerns that fans do not sleep at night as it can be to maintain a family. From one point of view is as if I was still in its infancy, then I miss the children know how it's done. I remain
people, their beliefs make up my life.
From here on I will be very schematic. The people are divided into three categories: "Relatives," "Friends" and "Love."
On the "Relatives" nothing new, for better or for worse. The situation is more static than ever, except for increasing the pressure I feel to be born in me having to talk to my father about a certain thing . The front
" Friends" is in jeopardy, it does not carry a. Friends divides them into "people who want to get away," "people who have moved away and "I want to be with people." People who want to remove themselves divided into "people who have grown tired" and "people who oppress me" and so we have three kinds of people who have a negative relationship with me and only one type of people that I have a positive relationship. You choose where to place them. I can only say I'm tired of chasing people and having to calibrate the space they grant to others. Increasingly, I feel the weight of what people want and expect from me. I feel as if all or almost all wanted a piece of me and what makes me mad to give is not the thing itself but rather the fact that I do not understand how you might want a piece of me. But here is part of an old game speech that some of you know, what is more or less summed up with the assumption "I am the only person authorized to love me, for I am because I love you, and you do not know shit about me, love me for the wrong reasons or superficial."
And this brings us to "Love " where they go under gallons of honey to which diabetics are asked to close the page or change it with a porn or a video of one that you squeeze a cyst, things like in other words. Already this because, despite the hardships and difficulties faced this year, is the only part of my life that seems to have a meaning and a future. Leaving aside what I feel, what makes me feel good and comfortable is that I feel loved by someone who really knows me know that and then allow that to love me.
Basically I could fall in love with a lot of you and my way may not be said that there really love all.
The difference is, but I will not let you love me because I'm an asshole (ok, "because I am a dickhead" I aggunto later, okay?! E 'I do not want to sound too self-centered and full of myself, it is not. I think.)
2009 was a great year . It 'been a year of traveling (three cities: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRome, Madrid), concert (can not list them all) and many losses. Perhaps it is the first year that I do not close positive in the first year (when I begin to think about what I concluded in a year) on which I do not feel better, I'm not grown as it did in other years.
but I can not even say it was a bad year ... I think it's an even year, 0-0 in the fight between me and my world. Hurrah
ball in the center.
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